State Department Official From Maryland Resigns Over Biden's Support For Israel

Senior US State Department official Josh Paul has stepped down from his position amid President Joe Biden's response to the Israel-Hamas conflict overseas, he says.

Josh Paul

Josh Paul

Photo Credit: Josh Paul LinkedIn

After more than 11 years with the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM), Paul announced his resignation in an open letter on LinkedIn, citing a promise the Maryland native made to himself that conflicts with the current regime's handling of the ongoing war.  

Paul said that he is leaving his position because "in our current course with regards to the continued - indeed, expanded and expedited - provision of lethal arms to Israel - (and) I have reached the end of that bargain."

"When I came to this bureau, the US government entity most responsible for the transfer and provision of arms to partners and allies, I knew it was not without its moral complexity and moral compromises, and I made a promise that I would stay for as long as I felt the harm I might do could be outweighed by the good I could do," he said.

"In my 11 years, I have made more moral compromises than I can recall, each heavily, but each with my promise to myself in mind, and intact."

Paul went on to condemn Hamas' attack on Israel, calling it a "monstrosity of monstrosities," though he added that the country "cannot be both for freedom, and against it."

He added that "blind support for one side is destructive," when describing Biden's unprecedented pledge to support Israel blindly, calling it an impulsive political reaction that was built on biases "intellectual bankruptcy, and bureaucratic inertia."

"Decades of the same approach have shown that security for peace leads to neither security, nor to peace," Paul added.

"I believe to the core of my soul that the response Israel is taking, and with it the American support both for that response, and for the status quo of the occupation, will only lead to more and deeper suffering for both the Israeli and Palestinian people - and is not in the long-term American interest." 

Paul is no stranger to the tensions in the Middle East, having been raised surrounded by debates about the conflict, and even writing his master's thesis at Georgetown University about Israeli counterterrorism and civil rights, speaking to "heroes" on both sides of the argument for the paper.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Paul was responsible for "shaping and implementing a holistic communications strategy in support of US security assistance, arms transfers, and global defense partnerships" in his role at the State Department.

He previously worked as a consultant for the US and UK governments in Iraq and Palestine. 

"The side we must pick is not that of one of the combatants, but that of the people caught in the middle, and that of the generations yet to come," the pol continued. "It is our responsibility to help the warring parties build a better world." 

Paul acknowledged that he was "heartened" to see efforts made by Biden's administration to temper Israel's fiery response, citing provisions that have been provided to Gaza.

"Those who know me best know that I have opinions, and they are strong ones," he said. 

"But this is what is at the core of them: that there is beauty to be found everywhere in this world, and it deserves both protection, and the right to flourish, and that is what I most desire for Palestinians and Israelis." 

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